Nipah Virus Takes Two Lives in Kerala State, India

India recently reported two fatalities caused by the uncommon Nipah virus in the state of Kerala. This information was confirmed by an official from the National Institute of Virology.

Nipah Virus Takes Two Lives in Kerala State, India

In the current month, one individual passed away, and another loss of life took place on August 30th. This was conveyed by an official who preferred not to disclose their name.

Family Under Suspect

Additionally, two more individuals from the same family are under suspicion of having contracted the virus. Their samples have been dispatched for testing, as per the official. Furthermore, the Virology Institute has shared its findings with the federal health ministry.

Understanding the Nipah Virus

The Nipah virus is a dangerous infection that affects the brain and can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with the bodily fluids of infected bats, pigs, or even other individuals. This virus was initially discovered in 1999 when there was an outbreak of sickness among pig farmers and individuals who had close contact with pigs in Malaysia and Singapore.

No Known Treatments or Vaccines

Currently, there are no available treatments or vaccines to combat this virus.

In response to the recent cases, authorities will commence widespread testing in the affected region. Additionally, certain quarantine measures have been implemented to prevent the virus from spreading further.

Also Read:
Kerala on High Alert as Nipah Virus Returns: How to Identify Symptoms and Guard Against It

A Recurring Threat

This marks the fourth occurrence of a Nipah outbreak in Kerala since 2018. The initial and most severe outbreak was initiated when a 26-year-old man sought medical attention at a hospital due to a fever and cough. Unfortunately, it spread to his family members and other patients before it was identified as Nipah.

Past Outbreaks

During that outbreak, a total of 23 people were infected, and tragically, 21 of them lost their lives. In the subsequent years, in 2019 and 2021, Nipah also claimed the lives of two more individuals in the region.

Environmental Factors at Play

An investigation conducted by Reuters in May highlighted that certain areas in Kerala are among the global hotspots most susceptible to outbreaks of bat-borne viruses. This heightened risk is attributed to extensive deforestation and urbanization, which have led to increased proximity between people and wildlife.

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