Crypto Millionaire Fernando Perez Algaba’s Body parts were found in a Suitcase

Crypto Millionaire Fernando Perez Algaba's Body parts were found in a Suitcase

Last Sunday, a bunch of kids discovered a bright red suitcase while having fun by a small stream in Ingeniero Budge, Buenos Aires, according to Jam Press. The astonishing twist came when they opened it and found it filled with human bones and body parts.

When the youngsters’ parents notified the Buenos Aires police, an investigation was launched. The body parts in the suitcase were identified as the victim’s legs and forearm while another whole arm was found in the stream.

El Pais said that the police found the lost head and body middle on Wednesday.

Before his brutal murder, it is said that he received threatening messages during the week.

“I am going to kill you, I’m going to do something worse to you. I’m going to gouge out your eyes and cut off your hands so that you can’t have any more money in your life”

The body parts were cut off very neatly. It seems like someone skilled did the cutting.

After examining the body, it was discovered that the person was shot three times before being cut into pieces and put into a suitcase.

The police recognized the body parts as belonging to Fernando Perez Algaba by looking at his unique fingerprints and tattoos. Algaba had been reported missing since last Tuesday.

Who is Fernando Perez Algaba?

Fernando Perez Algaba, also called Lechuga (that’s Spanish for lettuce), was a business guy. He began working at 14 years old, delivering pizzas. Algaba said, “I started with a bicycle and a box, selling sandwiches”. After that, Algaba started fixing and selling cars. Over time, he earned lots of money by renting fancy cars and selling cryptocurrency. He got almost 900,000 people to follow him on Instagram and often promoted his business there.

The famous person lived in Barcelona, Spain, but was said to be in Argentina for a week before his supposed murder. He was expected to give back the keys to his rented home on July 19. However, as per the owner’s statement, he didn’t come or respond to calls. After this, he was reported as being lost.

In 2019, Algaba faced financial troubles in his company called “Motors Lettuce SRL” when they started bouncing checks. This led to the entrepreneur owing significant debts to the Argentine tax agency that seemed impossible to repay.

According to a report from La Nacion, Algaba wrote a message on his phone saying he lost a bunch of money by investing in cryptocurrency. He was also connected to the Barra Brava, a violent gang that asked Algaba for a $40,000 loan.

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